“Attitude is the 'little' thing that makes a big difference.”
Years on the market
People onboard
Senior level
Years of average employment duration
Million transactions daily for mobile wallet
Value transactions daily for mobile wallet
Bilion mobile money accounts
Emerge Core Values
Emerge Soft is not for everyone. To become a part of the team it is required to be an independently thinking individual. We have a lot of successes and we take from them humbly, we don’t feel ashamed to make mistakes and learn from them.
We are creators who design the environment where people take the responsibility for their field and create the organizational culture through being themselves.
The meanings like responsibility and motivation are embedded in our daily life. We strongly believe in collective leadership giving individuals the freedom for creativity.
We deeply believe that freedom of choice inspires creativity, and creativity is one of our core values.
We also believe in:
Team Spirit
It’s a driver for the most efficient and successful projects. Emerge’s teams were able to successfully deliver the most challenging products where deliveries were placed on three different continents. We like to integrate with different cultures and it proves to work well.
13 years of journey, arm in arm with very complex multinational enterprises and the time-critical projects gave us self-confidence to take on demanding projects and provide expert services to our Customers.
Open Mind
Our culture and what we stand for supports out-of-the-box thinking, where magic meets engineering. We find art in software development. We share our passion for technology that grows exponentially.
We apply our principles that help us grow and thus create a better place for work with other team members.
People are the key to success
We build strong longlasting relationships with our clients. We deliver to our clients by combining business expertise with world class design and engineering.
to be announced
Sales Rep
Tomasz Plewa
Katarzyna Wisniowska
“I don't stop when I'm tired, I only stop when I'm done."